Crowne Zoyiagrass is an aggressive, dark green, course textured lawn grass. It is best suited for use as a warm-season turfgrass for golf course roughs, home lawns, industrial parks and highway right-of-ways throughout the central mid-western states. Crowne is noted for its tolerance to drought, cold weather and its rapid recuperative ability.
Each pallet covers 450 sq. ft. and has approximately 160 pieces of sod which are 14x22 inches each.
Mowing Frequency: Moderate
Mowing Height: 2-3 in
Drought Tolerance: Excellent
Cold Tolerance: Excellent
Fall Color Retention: Exceptional
Salt Tolerance: Moderate
Injury Recovery: High
Shade Tolerance: Excellent
Wear Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: Exceptional
Spring Green Up: High
Insect Tolerance
Resistant to insects like tropical sod webworm, Zoysia grass mite, and chinch bugs
Disease Tolerance
Decline: Exceptional
Brown Patch: High